The Póvoa de Lanhoso Local Educational Project was published, a strategic work under the responsibility of Rittma and the Municipality's Education and Social Services Division, involving local actors.
The Póvoa de Lanhoso Local Educational Project has been completed and published, a strategic work under the responsibility of Rittma and the Municipality's Education and Social Services Division, involving local actors.
Within the framework of its legal powers and the commitment assumed as an Educating City and Child-Friendly City, the Municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso assumed the responsibility of promoting a true Local Educational Community, a community in which all agents collaborate together towards a society more developed, freer, happier.
Not having pedagogical skills within the scope of the national educational system, the Municipality does not intend to interfere in what is not its responsibility, but rather to promote the appropriate environment and conditions so that those who have such skills can play their role successfully and find in the Municipality the key facilitating partner.
Obviously, as a local authority, the Municipality has responsibilities in promoting the harmonious and inclusive development of its territory, of its community, a development that does not nullify its historical-cultural identity, but rather enhances it. The promotion of development based on quality Education therefore constitutes one of the cornerstones of its action. We increasingly have lifelong education, we must increasingly be an Educational Community in all aspects of life in society.
The Local Educational Project (PEL) presents itself as a local strategy that promotes a strong and cohesive educational community, a community that values people and territory.
A strategy to be reviewed every 3 to 5 years, anchored in a 10-year vision, capable of guiding the action of the Educating City, involving and inspiring the various educational agents, including civil and business society.